The Complete Pump Supplies guide to pressurisation pumps and units

Here at Complete Pump Supplies, we stock a wide range of pressurisation pumps and units from some brilliant brands like Calpeda, DAB, Flamco, Lowara and Spirotech. Pressurisation units can be a useful component of your home, and have many benefits, such as replacing the water that’s lost through system leakage. If you’re unsure about what the right pressurisation unit is for you, take a look at this information we’ve put together on some of our most popular pressurisation pumps.
Lowara Mini Presfix 128
From popular manufacturer, this Lowara mini presfix pressurisation unit is a brilliant and compact product. The mini presfix 128 is like all other pressurisation units in that it aims to replace water that’s been lost through system leakage. Presfix units such as this, however, also provide safety circuits that lock out the boiler and chiller in the case of low or high pressures occurring. The water that’s expanded is then accommodated by separately supplied membrane vessels that are installed alongside the unit. The compact size of the mini presfix unit makes it a perfect choice for both industrial and domestic environments, and they also have flow limiting devices to prevent possible floods.
DAB E.SYPRESS 1 Pressurisation Unit
The DAB E.SYPRESS 1 pressurisation unit is the perfect option for those who wish to save space in the home by keeping their unit mounted to a wall or floor. This pressurisation pump is designed to maintain the water content in sealed chilled or heated water systems, and provides home or business owners with a packaged system that incorporates the water break controls and a booster pump, with fully automatic operation through switch and digital controls. The easy to read LCD operational display on this unit highlights issues such as common faults and low water, as well as information on system pressure. This product is also great value for money at the fantastic sale price of £622.75, making it a good investment for those who need a lower cost option.
Pressurisation Unit - Flamco Flexfiller 250D Twin Pump Floor Standing
This pressurisation unit by Flamco is an ideal choice if you have space restrictions in your home or business, but are still looking for a powerful and high quality system. This unit features a floor standing 250D flexfiller twin pressurisation pump, making it easy to place both systems in one place. With fully integrated features, flood protection and even the option for a service reminder every 12 months, this is a reliable unit that won’t let you down.